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Japanese Stiltgrass

(Microstegium vimineum)

Japanese stilt grass is an annual grass that often has a silver stripe down the middle of each leaf. It is not common in the state. For more information, see the WDNR and this UW-Extension Factsheet. CWIP also created a quick ID guide for this species. 

Phragmites australis - Paul Skawinski.JP

Image from Paul Skawinski


(Phragmites australis)

Phragmites is a tall grass that invades wet areas. It develops a hairy seedheads late in the season. There is a native subspecies of phragmites. For information about differentiating between native and invasive phragmites, visit the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative. For more information about invasive phragmites, visit the WDNR


Image from Wikimedia Commons


(Sorghum halepense)

Johnsongrass is a tall perennial grass that invades a variety of habitats. It is not common in the state. For more information, visit the WDNR and

Phalaris arundinacea2 - Paul Skawinski.J

Image from Paul Skawinski

Reed Canary Grass

(Phalaris arundinacea)

Reed canary grass is a perennial grass that invades wet areas. It is widespread in Wisconsin. For more information, visit the WDNR and


Image from Wikimedia Commons

Reed Manna Grass/Tall Manna Grass

(Glyceria maxima)

Reed manna grass is a tall perennial grass that invades wet areas. It is not common in the state. For more information, visit the WDNR and Wisconsin Wetlands Association.  

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