Report a Species
When we know more about where invasives are, we are better equipped to strategically manage them! Help us!
Your help is greatly appreciated in the effort to monitor and map invasive species. If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can use the Great Lakes Early Detection Network (GLEDN) app to report invasive species (see below). The GLEDN app adds reports to the EDDMapS database. Reports can also be submitted online, without a smartphone, at EDDMapS.org. Additionally, you can email reports to Wisconsin First Detector Network (WIFDN) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. When emailing a report, be sure to include the location of the species, the approximate size of the infestation, photos, and your contact information.
For more information on how to report invasive species using these methods, click here for WIFDN's reporting guide and click here for EDDMapS Midwest's website.

With the WISTIPP viewer, you can see the distribution of invasive plants. If you submit reports with the GLEDN app, the reports will eventually be visible on the WISTIPP viewer. You can also view species-specific distribution maps on EDDMapS.org.