Workday with North Central Conservancy Trust and Women in Natural Resources from UWSP
In October of 2023, CWIP, NCCT, and WiNR did invasive species control on NCCT's island property off the shore from Bukolt Park. Invasive species control mostly included buckthorn. We targeted the more mature trees first and then moved onto smaller ones. There were a total of 13 people out there and it was a very successful removal event!

Group Workdays at North Central Conservancy Trust's Property by Bukolt Park
In May of 2023, CWIP, in partnership with the North Central Conservancy Trust, held two group events at their property adjacent to Bukolt Park. This property is a part of the Green Circle Trail and gets a lot of visitors. Volunteers pulled invasive species with us including garlic mustard, buckthorn, and honeysuckle.

Karner Blue Butterfly Prairie Walks
In June of 2022, we had TWO very successful karner blue butterfly prairie walks on June 18th and June 19th! Both properties were near the Emmons Creek Fishery Area, and both days we got to see the endangered karner blue butterfly! Folks had the fantastic opportunity to hear from the Central Wisconsin Invasives Partnership, the landowners who have been hard at work to restore their prairies, as well as our partners at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service!

Muir Park Invasive Plant Field Day
On October 2nd, 2021, CWIP and the Marquette County Land & Water Conservation Department held a Muir Park Invasive Plant Field Day. After learning about park history and invasive plant identification, mapping, and control, attendees headed out onto the property to control invasive plants including buckthorn, honeysuckle, autumn olive, and black locust.
Thank you to Morgan Kepler and Kathleen McGwin for presenting at this workshop. Also thanks to members of the Prairie Enthusiasts, Wisconsin Friends of John Muir, and the Ice Age Trail Alliance for helping plan and promote the event. This event was funded in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

​Prairie Invasive Plant Workshop
CWIP and The Prairie Enthusiasts Prairie Sands Chapter partnered to hold a Prairie Invasive Plant Workshop on September 11th, 2021. Attendees learned about identification and control of invasive plants including buckthorn, wild parsnip, and sweet clover. This event included in-depth demonstrations of various tools used to control invasive plants.
Thank you to Robert Baller for sharing his expertise, Dale Johnson for allowing us to meet on his property, and David Hamel for helping organize the event. This event was also made possible by our sponsor Sparrow Native Landscaping, and our grant funder the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

Conservation Easement Workday
On April 17th, 2021, CWIP held a volunteer workday on a private property in Portage County. This event was held in partnership with the North Central Conservancy Trust. The property worked on has a conservation easement held by North Central Conservancy Trust.
Attendees removed autumn olive and honeysuckle plants using pulling tools, handsaws, and herbicide.

CWIP Summer 2020 Mapping Blitz
During the summer of 2020, CWIP volunteers drove predetermined routes and reported invasive plants growing along the roadside. Volunteers mapped about 325 miles of roads! If you'd like to watch the training webinar for the Mapping Blitz, it is available on our Facebook page.
Funding to organize this event was provided by a grant from the US Forest Service - Cooperative Weed Management Areas program and a grant from the Wisconsin DNR - Weed Management Area program. Thank you to these sponsors!

Multi-Session Forest Invasives Webinar
On September 26th, 2020, CWIP held a webinar focusing on forest invasive plants. Sessions centered on mapping/monitoring and identification of common, less common, and early detection species. The sessions can be viewed from the links on our webinars page!
Funding to organize this event was provided by a grant from the Wisconsin DNR - Weed Management Area program and a grant from the US Forest Service - Landscape Scale Restoration program. Thank you to these sponsors!

Landowner Invasive Plant Field Day
On Saturday, September 28th, 2019, the Central Wisconsin Invasives Partnership held their first event, an invasive species workshop on private land in Mount Morris, Waushara County. Attendees from a variety of backgrounds gathered to learn about invasive species identification, monitoring, and management. Presentations were followed with a property walk by the landowner. This walk included conversations about management techniques and restoration successes on the property.