Multi-Session Forest Invasives Webinar (September 2020)
This webinar focused on forest invasive plant identification and mapping. We split the webinar into sessions.
Session 1. Common Forest Invasives
Asa Plonsky, CWIP Coordinator, discusses identification of common forest invasive plants. Watch this session here.
Session 2. Mapping and Monitoring
Wisconsin First Detector Network Coordinator Anne Pearce presents on invasive plant mapping and monitoring. Watch this session here.
Session 3. Less Common Forest Invasives
Kelly Kearns of Wisconsin DNR discusses identification of less common forest invasive plants. Watch this session here.
Session 4. Early Detection Forest Invasives
Kelly Kearns of Wisconsin DNR focuses on early detection forest invasive species. Watch this session here.
To supplement this webinar, please visit the Identification page to view identification fact sheets for all of the species discussed in the sessions.
Funding to organize this event was provided by a grant from the Wisconsin DNR - Weed Management Area program and a grant from the US Forest Service - Landscape Scale Restoration program. Thank you to these sponsors!
Mapping Blitz Webinar (July 2020)
This webinar was held to kick off CWIP's 2020 Summer Mapping Blitz. Presenters include CWIP Coordinator Asa Plonsky and Wisconsin First Detector Network (WIFDN) Coordinator Anne Pearce. Presentations focus on identification of Japanese knotweed, teasels, and wild parsnip; how to report invasive species using the GLEDN app; and how to survey roadsides for invasive plants.
You can watch the webinar on the CWIP Facebook Page.

Funding to organize this event was provided by a grant from the US Forest Service - Cooperative Weed Management Areas program and a grant from the Wisconsin DNR - Weed Management Area program. Thank you to these sponsors!